Monday, February 18, 2008

2008 Debates - Version 2.0 - first questions

What will you do about the food?
Connors/Matheson - Think that discussions can take place between theU and Morrisson so students are happy. Don't actually state how this change will occur.
- Bring in a dietitian to substantiate claims. This is an actual solution rather than just an open-ended answer.
Connors/Matheson - Strongly reply with just "Students want this so we'll change it." Their aggression only shows their desire to win rather than their ability to come up with ideas that may demonstrate this ability to change.

After this question another student demands to hear some concrete answers:
Connors/Matheson show a larger understanding of the issues citing vegans and other groups.

Specifically, what plans do you have to pay for your new innovations?
The budget is tight and students want to know how these candidates will pay for new developments.
MacG and Clarke simply only have one idea: use the new drive home van. There is little money here and thus little additional resources for new innovation.
Connors/Matheson criticize this idea and say that MacG and Clarke don't have enough money to pay for their ideas.

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