The next four parts of the MacGillivray-Clarke campaign platform deal with services, recruitment, student relations, and external relations.
The services portion of the platform addresses such diverse ideas as volunteering, tutoring and issues surrounding how to improve existing services to make them more accessible to students. Perhaps the most interesting proposal in this section is a service MacGillivray and Clarke have dubbed “U Hitch.” Since the current DriveHome van, operated by the Campus Police, is set to be replaced this summer, Matt and Julia are suggesting making use of the old van as a new service for students and I think it’s a great idea, if it can be pulled off.
The idea is basically to have the old van run as a union taxi service, driving students to grocery stores, appointments, etc. As this plan develops, it would be beneficial to talk to students about what times and days of the week they would most like to see this service run –find out when students would take advantage of it the most. I’m a little skeptical about the way MacGillivray and Clarke are hoping to pay for the van. With two vans on campus vying for sponsorship, you’re going to inevitably divide an already decreasing market. In an age that is going digital at lightning speed, companies are eager to jump on the internet advertising bandwagon as other mediums for reaching consumers are mercilessly abandoned. It’s an unfortunate reality; people just aren’t as willing to advertise unless they know it’s reaching the largest demographic possible. If there's a bigger option out there, they'll go for that one instead, no matter how big your puppy dog eyes are.
The other aspects of the services platform are a matter of basic marketing. MacGillivray and Clarke claim that students don’t know what is available to them courtesy of their union, which is probably true for most students. In my experience, a student has to actively seek out union services when they need them, but perhaps this is a problem with the Communications Department. The U’s communication with students has improved ten-fold from what it was two years ago, but if there are services not being taken advantage of, it should be the VP Communications’ job to fix that. It’s that office’s responsibility to promote union services, events and activities to the students at large. I would suggest bringing this concern to the attention of the VP Communications.
I’m glad to see MacGillivray and Clarke including recruitment as a part of their platform. While I disagree that the biggest advantage of recruitment of new students by union members is that you can show potential recruits the “fun” side of university, I do believe that hearing about a university from current students is the best form of advertising and will do far more for enrollment than a five-year stint on the top of the MacLean’s rankings ever could. Including union executives in active recruitment is important and I’m glad to see that it is important to Matt and Julia's plans for office.
Student Relations
Student relations is probably the area that will benefit the most from having MacGillivray and Clarke elected President and Vice-President. It’s clear that Julia’s background as an RA is coming through this portion of the pair’s platform, and that residence life is very important to her. MacGillivray and Clarke have proposed a series of initiatives that would serve to bridge the gap between the union and residence staff, with open lines of communication at the forefront of dealings with residences.
What I was particularly pleased to see in this section was the proposed introduction of a first year member to council. This is a great idea, and I’m glad to see that the change from non-voting member to voting member has been included. Not only would frosh have the opportunity to learn how their union works from a first-hand experience, but they would get to actively participate in council – the most influential body in the U. When I was in first year, the only thing I knew about the union was that my aunt was friends with the president’s mom. I began to learn more about the union through the presidential elections last year. It hasn’t been until this year that I’ve really started to understand just what the U could do for me, the average student at StFX, let alone the students out there who actually need such vital services like tutoring, student advocates, and dental and health benefits. A first year representative on council would help bridge the gap between campus’ most naïve and inexperienced members and their union.
External Relations
Strengthening ties between alumni and community members is very important. Not only does it build an outside support network for students, it makes community members and alumni feel like they are a part of campus life. Attention given to external relations is important, but the ideas presented mostly fall under that communications umbrella again.
I was impressed to see a couple of really wise, unique ideas in this portion of the MacGillivray-Clarke platform; ideas that, if played right, will benefit The U immensely. I will spend one more post on the remaining issues in Matt and Julia’s platform and then will be gearing up for the all-important candidate’s debate on Tuesday. Be sure to take advantage of this final week of the campaign; ask questions, get informed, and cast your ballot.
*The views expressed in this post are entirely those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of StFX's Students' Union.
- all platform descriptions can be found at
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1 comment:
Once again we thank you for the review of this platform; it allows us a medium for further explanation of the platform along with growth of our ideas.
The U Hitch van is definitely something we are committed to seeing through; it’s a service which could be tremendously beneficial to students. As far as advertizing goes, we will hopefully have sponsors again for the new van. The U Hitch van has lots of potential for sponsorship from a different sector as it’s a van which will be taking students to the door of some local businesses; we feel these businesses will jump at the opportunity to support such a service.
As far as how our platform deals with union services in relation to the communications department, we are quite aware of the leaps and bounds this department has made in recent years and it is much appreciated. Our intent is not to tear apart the work they have done and start new, but to work with what they have given us and try to make it better. We’re simply saying that if elected we would be committed to working through the communications networks this department has developed to make services to students even more accessible.
For recruitment; the “fun” side of university life is exactly what the student union is most effective at promoting. I imagine the first thought many people had with the use of the term “fun” was drinking and partying but that’s not necessarily what it means. Fun is also about meeting new people, involvement with societies, your house, your union, and everything else that makes StFX so great! This is an idea that is much harder for the university itself to get across to prospective students simply because they are expected to push the academic side of the university harder. This allows a perfect opportunity for the students’ union to become actively involved with the recruitment process.
We appreciate the support in our student relations section of our platform. We are committed to the idea of a first year councilor and believe it will do a great deal of good in bridging the gap between the students’ union and its newest members.
External relations are certainly a job for the communications department, and we intend to use the communications department to strengthen ties with alumni, along with using them to promote any of the other external relations initiatives in this platform. Once again we’re about building not tearing down. The union is an additive organization; each president/vp must try to use what has been given to them from previous years and place their own spin and direction on it, this is the most effective way to build the union and we realize this.
Finally; once again we thank you for your review of our platform it is greatly appreciated. We also encourage everyone to attend the debate on Tuesday, it’s a great way to get informed and we also encourage you to please vote on Feb. 19th and 20th.
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