Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Live from the Presidential/Vice-Presidential Debate

I am sitting at the SUB cafe on 2nd floor watching the Connor/Matheson and MacGillivray/Clarke campaigns hit it off head-to-head. Starting with opening remarks, then to set questions the debate seems to be off to a good start. To make things as comprehensive as possible I plan to summarize the responses of both candidates with my thoughts on some of the more important questions.

Question 1 - How will you address student concerns?
Early on Connors attacked MacGillivray asking "Why did I only find out now that you are my Off-Campus councilor". MacGillivray replied stating that student are unaware of who to approach with their issues.
I ask the same question as Connors: MacGillivray, if you've been on council for a year why haven't you changed this issue?

Question 2 - How do you plan to address the issue of rising tuition?
I definitely think that MacGillivray and Clarke had a more realistic approach to this issue. While Connors/Matheson took a more aggressive approach by suggesting developing personal relationships with Elizabeth May and Peter MacKay, they also denied the importance of the lobying groups which theU is a member - CASA and ANSSA. MacGiilivray/Clarke demonstrated their knowledge of these groups and made me confident that they would insure theU continues to support the achievements already seen by these lobbying groups.

Question 3 - Why should you win?
Connors/Matheson stated "student perception [is] that the Union isn't for everyone. We want to change that." I think Connors and Matheson do want to reach students and I feel they will. However MacGillivray and Clarke brought up an issue that I agree with - Connors and Matheson are only engaging the students confident enough to present themselves at open forums; they have not engaged the students who don't feel comfortable expressing themselves publicly. Furthermore, engaging students doesn't convince students to get involved, it only convinces them to express their concerns.
As I stated MacGillivray and Clarke suggested more personal interaction and being more available. I think this is a great idea but I was expecting a more concrete and thorough response to this question.

**Look forward to more live posts and a video podcast of the entire debate.**


Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the online election coverage.

For anyone who saw the debate and wonders what ANSSA is up to, feel free to check out the blog - updated daily - at www.anssa.ca/blog.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe there were only three questions asked tonight.

Anonymous said...

I think the post was made mid-debate and so he only covered 3 questions.

You'll notice the 18 videos now available from the debate, all broken down in order and by question Check them out, they're decent quality!