Monday, February 18, 2008

Rapid Fire Questions - Part 1

What will make you better than your opponents?
Connors/Matheson stumble over the question and revert to their typical "it's about you," speech and end up getting cut off by the timer.
MacG and Clarke give little more of an answer and just state they will represent students.

Why should I not spoil my ballot?
Connors/Matheson - TheU can change your life while here at X. There are some good initiatives that we will start. "Use your ability to have your voice heard."
MacGillivray/Clarke - Want to get students involved.
Both answers demonstrate that the candidates have missed the point on this question. Students are participating when they spoil the ballot. Spoiling your ballot shows that you think both candidates don't deserve these important and powerful positions.

What are your weaknesses? This was asked at the last debate, have you given more thought?
Connors - Overly passionate results in me sometimes being aggressive.
Matheson - About the same. Gives a round-about answer saying he cares too much to the point he over works himself.
MacG and Clarke stick to their guns about each persons inexperience balancing the other. Clarke is not involved in theU, MacG is not involved in residence. While not more thought out than last time, it appears that their answer is more honest than Matheson's. The award for honesty goes to Connors though. He just stated his weakness and didn't try and use it to get votes.

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